Ocean observations and the added value of new technologies
The oceans are responsible for absorbing a significant portion of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions we release into the atmosphere, as well as 90% of the excess heat generated by climate change. The EU-funded ambitious project, GEORGE, which brings together 28 partners from academia and industry, and three environmental research infrastructures, EMSO ERIC, Euro-Argo ERIC, and…
Engaging with the scientific community: GEORGE at the EuroGOOS conference
The European Global Ocean Observing System (EuroGOOS) promotes the development of Operational Oceanography in Europe as the component of the Global Ocean Observing System of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC GOOS). The EuroGOOS conference provides a forum for marine scientists and technologists developing operational oceanography products, and the users of these services including…
GEORGE is a collaboration of three ocean Research Infrastructures
Euro-Argo, EMSO and ICOS have long been carrying out ocean observations, with each research infrastructure (RI) using its own methodologies, its own instruments, its own data gathering processes, and so on. The three RIs, moreover, conduct observations from different parts of the water ocean: ICOS conducts surface ocean observations; Euro-Argo carries out both horizontal and…
The first GEORGE annual meeting held in Villefranche-sur-Mer
In October 2023, the GEORGE project got together in Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, for its first annual project meeting and general assembly. The three-day meeting, held in the picture-perfect French Riviera, included important discussions on sensor and platform developments, processes for testing, training and developing a joint data stream. The meeting gave the participants of GEORGE the…
New EU project GEORGE brings ERICs together to improve ocean observations with novel technologies
As the Earth’s largest ecosystem, the ocean absorbs massive amounts of carbon and excess heat from the atmosphere. Despite its pivotal role in climate change, global ocean observations have thus far been severely lacking: a major part of the world’s oceans have never been mapped or even seen by humans. A new EU project, GEORGE,…