GEORGE is a Horizon Europe-funded project that develops
technologies to improve ocean observations. The technologies developed
will represent the next level
in systematic long-term autonomous ocean
Operational models for next-generation, high-precision sensors and platform technology for monitoring the ocean carbon system. Simple and energy-efficient, ready for the market.
Fully integrated carbon observing systems across European marine research infrastructures, enabling better data to support science and decision-making.
Easy-to-use online training platform, offering training for technical staff to enable them to operate seamlessly across research infrastructures.
GEORGE brings together 28 leading partners from academia and industry alike, including three research infrastructures: EMSO ERIC, Euro-Argo ERIC and ICOS ERIC. Together these three ERICs cover the whole expanse of European marine waters.
For scientists
The new sensor and platform technologies developed by GEORGE can dramatically enhance the coverage, continuity and spatiotemporal resolution of marine observations. The new sensors are able to reach parts of the ocean that are currently inaccessible, such as polar areas, the deep sea and areas outside of commercial shipping routes. GEORGE will also enable scientists and research technicians to test the new instruments and take part in online training.
For industry
GEORGE is a powerful collaboration of academic and industry partners. The project’s expert team develops sensor technology that can be integrated into floats, moorings and ships and used for high-precision, accurate measurements of ocean carbon systems. The goal is to develop five new sensors past the technology readiness level to be commercially produced.
For policy makers
GEORGE aims to provide policymakers with high-quality and reliable scientific data on the ocean’s condition. This data will help them make quick and informed decisions on how to adapt to climate change and reduce its impacts. The project will also enhance the competitiveness of European industries that produce and supply ocean observation equipment and technology.
After sailing for 27 days between Brest and the Azores, the North Atlantic Argo Recovery Cruise Operation (NAARCO) returned home to Brest on the 10th of June 2024 with 10 profiling floats. These floats needed to be recovered as they were either reaching the end of their life or had some misfunctioning sensors. NAARCO was…
Presentations from the GEORGE project partners are prominently featured at the ICOS Science Conference 2024. The conference will be held from September 10-12, 2024, in Versailles, Paris, and online. Registrations are now open. See more info on the conference website. Please see the list of GEORGE-related presentations below and read the full list of abstracts…
Measuring carbon in the ocean, the largest ecosystem on Earth, is no easy job. Most of the measurements today are made using ship-based observations, but ship-based or fixed-location observations on moorings are never going to provide enough information from all parts of the ocean, with high enough resolution and frequency. Enter: autonomous ocean observations. One…
The first training event of the GEORGE project will be organised in Villefranche-sur-Mer, France on 21-25 May 2024. The event brings together scientists, technicians and instrument manufacturers in a unique learning event and an active dialogue about ocean observing technologies. An online training platform will make this information known to a wider audience. Training the…