The GEORGE project develops technology that will, for the first time, enable systematic autonomous, in situ seawater CO2 system characterisation and the measurement of CO2 fluxes on moving and fixed platforms. Together with sensor manufacturers, GEORGE will optimise sensor technologies for platforms operated by ERICs. The project is expected to develop new autonomous sensors and samplers to a technology readiness level (TRL) for commercialisation by industry partners.
These sensors can be deployed on floats, moorings and ships for high-precision, accurate measurements of ocean carbon. The low-cost, energy-efficient technology can be seamlessly integrated into existing platforms, including the Argo float and the EMSO Generic Instrument Module (EGIM).
GEORGE will enhance the observing capability of autonomous platforms by equipping them with the latest sensor technology and developing communication tools from and between platforms. Together with platform manufacturers, GEORGE will incorporate novel surface and underwater autonomous vehicles into the ERIC observing fleet, enabling new observing capabilities.
GEORGE will support three major European marine ERICs – ICOS, EMSO and Euro-Argo – to harmonise technologies, methods and procedures for biogeochemical observing. The aim is to develop a framework for multi-platform, cross-ERIC biogeochemical observations from the sensors to data repositories. The framework will provide the means for calibrating and validating sensing technologies across platforms for ERICs to ensure the harmonisation of measurement standards.

GEORGE will enhance existing platforms and develop innovative sensor and sampler technologies for the main ocean observing platforms used in European marine infrastructures, including Argo floats, SeaExplorer, EGIM and Sailbuoy.
Technology will be co-developed between industry and ERICs to ensure a direct route to market and enhance the potential for scalability. The technologies will be validated according to a rigorous TRL progression engineering process and demonstrated at sea as an integrated multi-platform observing system during several field campaigns where ERICs are active. Furthermore, GEORGE will showcase how the next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods for carbon observations will be implemented by RIs for an integrated European Ocean Observing System (EOOS).
Would you like to collaborate with GEORGE? Get in touch: contact (at)