Project Deliverables

WP1 Project Management (lead: ICOS ERIC)
D.1 Data management plan, public deliverable, due 30.06.2023, read it here (PDF, 742 KB)
D1.2 Updated data management plan, public deliverable due 31.12.2024
D1.3 Exploitation report, public deliverable, due 01.07.2027

WP2 Innovations in autonomous sensor and sampler technologies (lead: NOC)
D2.1. Report on new innovation for marine CO2 system measurements, confidential deliverable, due 31.12.2025
D2.2 Report on the performance of new technologies confidential deliverable, due 31.6.2027

WP3 Innovation on Ocean Platform Technologies (lead: Sorbonne University)
D3.1 Report on integration of new sensors, confidential deliverable, due 31.12.2026
D3.2 Report on platforms improvements, confidential deliverable, due 31.12.2026

WP4 Integration and Interoperability (lead: University of Exeter)
D4.1 Interim report on how a central data service will benefit all RI’s, public deliverable, due 31.12.2024, read it here (PDF, 1.4 MB)
D4.2 Final report on how a central data service will benefit all RI’s, public deliverable, due 31.12.2026
D4.3 Interim report on pathways from different platforms, public deliverable, due 31.12.2024, read it here (PDF, 1.2 MB)
D4.4 Final report on pathways from different platforms, public deliverable, due 31.12.2026

WP5 Implementation and Demonstration (lead: EMSO ERIC)
D5.1 Technology validation and prototyping, public deliverable, due 01.01.2024, read it here (PDF, 1,9 MB)
D5.2 Report describing data acquired from each field trial, public deliverable, 31.12.2025
D5.3 Report describing data synthesis, public deliverable, due 31.12.2026

WP6 Training and Education (lead: University of Helsinki)
D6.1 Activity report of the Technical Forum, public deliverable, due 31.12.2026
D6.2 Openly licensed online learning materials, public deliverable, due 28.02.2027

WP7 Exploitation, Communication, Sustainability and Impact (lead: ICOS ERIC)
D7.1 Dissemination, communication & exploitation plan, public deliverable, due 31.05.2023, read it here (PDF, 2,2 MB)
D.7.2 Roadmap for adopting the results, technologies and tools, public deliverable, due 01.07.2027
D7.3 Updated Dissemination, communication & exploitation plan, public deliverable, due 31.12.2024, read it here (PDF, 3.3 MB)