GEORGE at ICOS Science Conference 2024

Presentations from the GEORGE project partners are prominently featured at the ICOS Science Conference 2024. The conference will be held from September 10-12, 2024, in Versailles, Paris, and online.

Registrations are now open. See more info on the conference website.

Please see the list of GEORGE-related presentations below and read the full list of abstracts on the conference website. Note that the list below is subject to change; always refer to the conference website for updated information.

41 The ocean gliders capacity to estimate the air-sea CO2 flux: from machine learning tools to innovative sensors


Laurent Coppola1*, Edouard Leymarie2, Paco Stil1, Felix Margirier3, Socratis Loucaides4, Janne-Markus Rintala5

1Sorbonne University, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France. 2CNRS, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France. 3ALSEAMAR, Rousset, France. 4NOC, Southampton, United Kingdom. 5ICOS ERIC, Helsinki, Finland

Session 3. Cross-domain technological development: autonomous vehicles, sensor miniaturisation, low-cost sensors and labour-intense approaches

The ocean is a major sink of anthropogenic CO2 (Friedlingstein et al., 2020). Estimates of the ocean's carbon sink are derived from global ocean biogeochemical models (Hauck et al., 2020) and reconstructions based on data concerning surface ocean partial pressures of CO2. The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) (Bakker et al., 2016) primarily relies on data obtained from underway sampling systems aboard voluntary observing ships. However, the limited coverage of data and the absence of observations throughout the entire seasonal cycle pose challenges to mapping methods, resulting in noisy reconstructions of surface ocean pCO2 (Denvil-Sommer et al., 2019). In response, the emergence of deep learning methods offers an alternative for predicting carbonate system variables (Sauzède et al., 2016; Fourrier et al., 2020). Nonetheless, fostering the advancement of robust and dependable technologies is imperative for enhancing observing systems. In this context, the European project GEORGE (grant 101094716) aims to develop new technologies to improve ocean observations that will represent the next level of long-term autonomous ocean observations. It will improve the coverage, continuity and spatio-temporal resolution of marine observations based on a variety of platforms operated by three ERICs (EMSO, ICOS and Euro-Argo). We will focus here on the development and integration of new sensors for carbonate system measurements (TA, TC, pH and pCO2). Of particular interest will be ocean glider-operated measurements and pCO2 and pH sensors in the Ligurian Sea, accompanied by acoustic measurements for better estimation of wind speed, an important parameter in CO2 air-sea flux calculations. 

136 GEORGE roadmap towards marine data interoperability of 3 ERICs (EMSO – Euro-Argo – ICOS)


Laurian Van Maldeghem1, Marc Portier1, Katrina Exter1, Thierry Carval2, Aljaz Maslo3, Delphine Dobler4, Claire Gourcuff4, Juan Miguel Villoria5, Ute Schuster6, Thanos Gkritzalis1*

1VLIZ – Flanders Marine Institute, Oostende, Belgium. 2IFREMER, Brest, France. 3EMSO, Rome, Italy. 4Euro-Argo, Brest, France. 5SOCIB, Palma De Mallorca, Spain. 6University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom

Session 17. Best Practices in the landscape of Research Infrastructures: Cooperation, Co-location and other lessons learned

The need to have scientific information, easily available and easy to digest across Research Infrastructures is a necessity rather than a nice-to-have. Development of new technologies and sensors, the complexity of integrated observation systems, and the advances in data science make this a must-have. A working term that describes this is “Interoperability” within the concept of the FAIR principles. Interoperability should not be seen as a Boolean checkbox, nor a gradient scoring the “proximity to completion”; it should be measured in the accumulated “cost of use” of any shared dataset or service: the required effort to tame these various sources leading to new insights. Lowering that cost is the responsibility of the producers of these digital objects declared to be interoperable, and of the community to arrive at sufficient commonalities towards an interoperable “status quo”. 

The GEORGE project brings together three Research Infrastructures with a common denominator in ocean observations: EMSO, Euro-Argo, ICOS, covering the European Seas. 

Within GEORGE and following the legacy of projects such as ENVRI-FAIR, we work on how to make our data and services interoperable not just between RIs and to the already-in-the-know, but across RIs and to the don’t-know. The aim is to lower the barriers by achieving interoperability at a machine-to-machine level. This can leverage observations into research and innovative outcomes that support societal needs to comprehend, adapt to, and mitigate global environmental change. The work presented includes tests, findings and recommendations on how to achieve the above. 

176 Innovations in autonomous sensor and sampler technologies for ocean carbon measurements through the EU GEORGE project


Socratis Loucaides1*, Ute Schuster2, Matt Mowlem3, Kathareena Seelmann4, Melchor González Dávila5, Ivan Alonso6, Nadine Lanteri7

1National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, United Kingdom. 2University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom. 3Clearwater Sensors Ltd., Southampton, United Kingdom. 44H-JENA Engineering, Jena, Germany. 5University of Las Palmas Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain. 6OCEOMIC Marine Bio and Technology, Las Palmas, Spain. 7Ifremer, Brest, France

Session 3. Cross-domain technological development: autonomous vehicles, sensor miniaturisation, low-cost sensors and labour-intense approaches

The EU project GEORGE addresses the capability gap in ERIC’s infrastructure to collect fit-for-purpose in situ measurements of carbonate system parameters including pH, TA, DIC and pCO2, to better characterise and understand inorganic carbon cycling in the ocean, its exchange with the atmosphere and monitor the rate of ocean acidification. A major focus of GEORGE is to advance the TRL (from 6 to 8-9) of novel sensors to enable integration with ERIC infrastructure including fixed platforms and small autonomous platforms such as profiling floats and gliders. Sensor technologies include Lab-on-Chip (LoC) sensors for in situ measurements of pH, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Total Alkalinity and infrared based technologies for ocean-atmosphere CO2 flux measurements. Significant effort is also focused on improving and optimizing commercial off the shelf sensors for integration on fast-moving platforms and enhancing long term measurement performance. Sensor measurement validation technologies including autonomous samplers, calibration systems and anti-fouling strategies are also being developed to ensure data quality over long unattended deployments at sea. This talk will provide an overview of these new developments including their capabilities and plans for their validation and testing.

426 Demonstrating the optimisation of cosmopolitan sampling using Copernicus hindcasts


John Allen*, Calum Fitzgerald

MyOcean Resources Ltd, Reading, United Kingdom

Session 3. Cross-domain technological development: autonomous vehicles, sensor miniaturisation, low-cost sensors and labour-intense approaches

Within the GEORGE programme (EU Horizon 2020 project 101094716) MyOCEAN Resources Ltd. is helping to support improved integrated multi-RI information and data value chain through deployment of its FleetBot objective optimisation algorithms and procedures. FleetBot was a development of Operational Oceanography, where optimal observational capability was required within available, often minimal, resources and time. Forecast modelling, combined with Near-Real Time data constraint and assimilation is central to the FleetBot processes and drives adaptive sampling, data processing and management strategies. Under GEORGE, cosmopolitan sampling will not be limited to multiple platform types, it will also extend to Research Infrastructures (RIs) flexible sampling programmes and regional ranges; to provide optimised network capacity and programme modification (within permissible ranges/parameters) for sea trials with novel instruments for observation of components of marine carbon pathways. 

We will show how FleetBot uses objective optimisation algorithms in predictive environmental model simulations, with cost functions respectful to: 

  • cosmopolitan observing capabilities, 
  • the ‘job’ to be achieved, and 
  • real world requirements and constraints.

We use Copernicus hindcasts to demonstrate the FleetBot processes, in a deep sea region around the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) site, at both 1/4 and 1/12 degree resolutions. Advising and informing research programmes of their optimal potential and how to attain it, FleetBot monitors ‘past’ ability/skill to predict and correct future sampling/observing. Under GEORGE, FleetBot expands its use of genetic algorithm approaches to advise and inform research infrastructures of their optimal co-operative potential.